Tuesday, December 11, 2007

been quite busy.................

heres some pics of me in the nitivity play last year

on tuesday i helped out at the stables
on friday i went riding
theve got the new pony spot!
hes a dun exmoor about 5 and very cheeky
he cant be ridden yet becuse he hasnt been riden 4 a year
he was just in a feild so hes reallllllllllllly fat
i rode prancer he did a few buks but i still think hes the best pony there
the pony party was good i was leading brandy becuse i rode prancer yester day and jess
was riding him in her lesson so jasmine lead him jess lead delboy
we put glitter in there hair cool!
and pipe cliners round there brow band
brandy was fun i like him
i rode him he was a bit geddy thoght
he loves orange
we got some cake with delboy on
me jaz and jess wore some jumpers the same so we looked smart
We all begin with j , joy, jaz, jess,
any way im going on wendsday now i wont to goe on
tues, wends, turs, fris and sturday but my mum gos to thi che on tuesday so she wont me able to pick me up i dont no why my dad cant not fair
im leading on the nativity play on horses
and i am goin to the crismas eve party at orse ridin
i went to my dads this week end his girl freinds gotta kidny infecton errrrrr
on sunday we went to are grandma and grandads
14 day till xmas
i rote a poem:
arny was the bestest pony
wasnt skiny, wasnt bony
never revused a jump with me
he was as kind as he could be
never kicked, never bited
his food was much delited
coolest tail, cutest mane
liked haking down the lane
over jumps, over corses
i bet he beat loads of horses
arny, arny was the best
he ccould win a jumping test
rest in peace little man
i will remer u as well as i can


Chelsea said...

I LOVE horses, and think its nice to read about someonelse who loves them!
Chelsea x

Chelsea said...

PS can i link to you on my wordpress blog please?

Joy said...

yes you can