Monday, April 28, 2008

2 Fab Facts Files

Fact File


Name: Snowball

Age: 1
Breed: New Zeland/Lionhead
Nick Name(s): Snowy, Snowby and Snow
Color: Albino

Gender: Girl
Relitives: Miffy (Sister) Hutch(Son) Thumper(Netheu cant spell it Miffys littles boy) Cottontail (Her Baby) Peter ( Cottontail and Floplsys(now named hucth)Brother) All Miffy little (very cute) babies
Size: Big

Likes: Eating, Runing about outside,
Dislikes: Siting still for more than 5 seconds
Habitat: Fluffy and Culdly, Frendly but shy some times



Age: 5

Breed: Welsh moutain

Nick Name: Prancey

Color: Bay with 2 Worls a blaze and 2 White socks.

Gender: Gelding

Best Freind: Spot

Hight: 12.hh

Likes: Being Cheeky , Munching Grass, People

Dislikes: Jumping and being seperated from spot for 5 seconds


Im Going to Tag Some People soon so Beware!
Also Raz and Blossom are having foals very Soon there might be 2 lil foals there tomorow


eden said...

cute animals, Joy
E x

Joy said...

Joy x

stefndawniy said...

oooh what cutey bunnies - lovely