Thursday, February 07, 2008


spirt and carlo
lola and leo (lying down)
spirt and carlo munching hay


today i went ot the stables and the burgler alarm went of zara came and switched it of thoght

taz was ill so me and jasmine did all the haynets and mucking out and stuff

the videos not that good but it was of spot and dunnamis fighting

they cept rearing up at each other it was realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly funnny

we cept saying come and watch the spanish horse show free cus ones not spanish

i got a few pics of them but there all dark

spot and prancer had to be seperated cus

on tues day sol went by and prancer bit him really hard on his head

so taz told sol to go in and stroke him so he wasent scared of prancer

for ever and he tried to get in but spot tried to kick sol so spot was protecting prancer

and also they share the same stable so prancer went in the ponys block and spots on a stricked diet lol cus he needs to lose wate like 4 stone or somthing

he only gets 2 haynets a day

note to chesea your banners readdy go look at the banner blog

Monday, February 04, 2008

my hate bar

Get your own Room101!

Center parcs

i went to center parcs this week end
its called winfell forest
with my dad, his girlfreind, fergus and freddie
i went swiming every day it was really fun i had a lesson with my brother on saturday sunday and theres loads of pools i went down a few water slides they wernt vey big
i wanted to go them today but we had to go home
and we hired a bike for me and my dad with a traler at the back for my brothers
i love cycliung its fun
i went horse riding fegus did artury i wanted to do it but my dad had alredy book me in
i rode a pony that was big very big called fraysa he was skewbald i was 1 of the only 1s trotting so i went 3rd in the line we went a round the forest on a trek
we lived in this little lodge it was 80 three oaks
i saw lots of wild rabbits and birds
i saw 2 red squirils aswell
there was this channel on the tv that was a camra next to a badgers den they have specil channels and that was 1 of them cus the badgers wher in the forset i was staying
any way i saw 1 badger nobody belived me but i did
heres my link to my blog
it snowed a bit aswell
i came back today at 10
it was fun
we rode the bikes every where they where verry handy